Privacy Policy

At Nudi and the Whale, we are committed to protecting the privacy of our customers. This privacy policy outlines the personal data we collect, why we collect it, how long we store it, and the channels customers can use to manage their data.

List of Personal Data We Collect: We collect the following personal data from our customers: name, email address, telephone number, and shipment address. Please note that we do not collect credit card information as Opn Payments does not allow merchants to store such information.

Purposes or Reasons We Collect Personal Data: We collect personal data for the following purposes:
1. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) purposes
2. To ensure efficient shipment of orders

Duration of Time We Store Personal Data: We store personal data until a customer requests that it be deleted.

Contact Channels for Customers: Customers may contact us at to:
- Request deletion of their personal data
- Request disclosure of their personal data
- Request updates to their personal data
- Inquire about our privacy policy

Entities We Share Personal Data With: We do not share personal data with any third-party entities now or in the future.

Thank you for choosing Nudi and the Whale. We take your privacy seriously and appreciate your trust in us.